Transcript of "Asparagus!"
A transcript of the "Asparagus! " episode.
Please note that because the characters talk in very simple sentences, the dialogue isn't grammatically correct and may be hard to understand without visuals.
Scene 1: The dinner bell
[Oobi is in the living room, playing with his toy car.]
Oobi: Vroom! Vroom! Vroom! Vroom!
Oobi: [gasps] Oh, hi. Dinnertime. Oobi ring bell. [laughs]
[Oobi rings the dinner bell.]
Oobi: Hey, Oobi ring; you ring. You, ring!
Oobi and Voices: [all] Ring, ring, ring, ring!
Oobi: Yeah, Oobi ring! You ring!
Voices: [all] Ring, ring, ring, ring!
[Uma runs to the kitchen and tramples Oobi. He gets back up.]
Oobi: [laughs] Dinnertime.
Scene 2: Dinnertime
[In the kitchen, Grampu has prepared plates of food for the kids.]
Grampu: [proudly] Dinnertime.
[The camera pans to show their dinner: chicken, potatoes, and asparagus.]
Oobi and Uma: [together] Mmm!
Grampu: Mashed potatoes...
Oobi and Uma: [together] Mmm!
Uma: Huh?! Uh, Oobi? Aspa...aspa...
Oobi: Asparagus. A-spa-ra-gus.
Grampu: Good, Uma! Now, Uma eat asparagus.
Uma: [shaking her head "no"] Mm-mm. Now, Uma say "asparagus." Asparagus! Asparagus! A-spa-ra-gus! Asparagus, asparagus. Asparagus, aspara...
Scene 3: After dinner
[The scene cuts to Oobi and Uma after dinner. Their plates are mostly empty.]
Oobi: Uma, why? Asparagus good.
[Grampu holds the asparagus up and pretends it's a train.]
Grampu: Chugga chugga choo-choo! See? Train!
Oobi and Uma: [laughing, together] Chugga chugga choo-choo!
Oobi: Hey! You, train. [laughs]
Oobi and Voices: Chugga chugga choo-choo! Chugga chugga choo-choo!
Grampu: Chugga chugga, chugga chugga, chugga chugga.
[Grampu brings the "train" of asparagus to Oobi. Oobi bites off a chunk.]
Uma: Mm-mm. [softly] Station closed.
Oobi: Um, Uma, look! Tree.
[Oobi props the asparagus up to look like a tree.]
Oobi: Oobi eat tree. [eats it] Ah. Uma eat tree?
Uma: [negatively] Mm-mm. Uma plant tree.
[Uma plants her asparagus in the leftover mashed potatoes.]
Grampu: Hmm...hmm...oh! Uma, magic?
[Grampu quickly eats some asparagus.]
Grampu: [dramatically] Asparagus, gone!
Oobi and Uma: [both laugh] Magic!
Uma: Uma magic. Uma magic! [spookily] Hocus pocus...hocus pocus...
[Uma waves her palm above the asparagus. Oobi and Grampu think she will finally give in and try it.]
Uma: Uma gone. [runs off]
Scene 4: One last try
[The scene cuts to Grampu cleaning up the kitchen. The only thing left is Uma's untouched asparagus.]
Oobi: Uma, asparagus good! Try.
Oobi: Taste. [smacks lips] Mmm.
Uma: [laughs] Oobi silly.
[She kisses the asparagus and gets a small taste.]
Uma: Oobi, Uma taste! Asparagus good. Uma like asparagus!
Oobi: [laughs] Oobi glad.
Uma: Asparagus, yum! Oh! Yum. You yum. You yum!
Oobi, Uma, and Voices: [all] Yum! Yum!
[Grampu brings out a plate of fruit.]
Uma: Uh-uh. Uma asparagus!
Grampu: Uma, asparagus! [nudges Oobi happily]
Scene 5: Interviews
[The interview segments start. Kako is eating pretzels.]
Kako: Mmm, mmm. Kako like pretzels. You like?
Kid #1: I like peas because they're sweet, and I like corn 'cause it's also sweet, and I like broccoli 'cause they're like little trees.
Kid #2: I like to try apple... and mango.
Kid #3: I like carrots because they're orange.
Zoe: Kako, want to try some of my carrots?
Kako: Oh, yes. Um, carrots good?
Kako: [tries some] Carrots good. Mmm! Bon appetit.
[Kako wolfs down the bowl of carrots, throwing some of them across the room.]
Kako: Ah. Where carrots? Carrots gone. Wait...
[He brings another full bowl of carrots.]
Scene 6: Game segment
Oobi and Uma: [together] Game game, game game. Game game, game game. Game!
Remember game.
Oobi: Remember game! Grapes, apple, banana. Grapes, apple, banana. Uma?
[He motions for Uma to look away while he hides one of the fruits.]
Uma: Oh. Ah. Grapes, apple. Hmm...remember. Grapes. Apple. Hmm...oh! You remember?
Voice #2: [girl] A banana.
Uma: Yeah, banana. Banana!
Oobi: Banana. Good! Grapes, apple, banana.
Uma: [to the viewers] Thanks. Again! You play.
Oobi and Uma: [together] Grapes, apple, banana.
Oobi: Uma hide fruit. Wait.
Uma: You remember? Grapes. Banana.
Voice #2: [girl] It's the apple.
Oobi: Apple! You remember.
[He looks down and notices that the apple has been eaten, leaving only the core.]
Oobi and Uma: [both laugh]
Oobi: Remember game over. Oobi, you, friends! Bye.
Voice #1: [girl] Bye-bye, Oobi.
Voice #2: [boy] Bye, Oobi.