Oobi Wiki

Rączusie is the Polish dub of Oobi.


The dub aired on Nickelodeon Poland. It was first announced by Media2, a Polish news site, on July 13, 2009. (source) The first episode premiered on July 19, 2009. (source) New episodes aired every Sunday at 9 AM for almost four months. The last premiere aired on January 17, 2010. (source)

In August 2009, the Multikino theater chain announced that it would hold screenings of Rączusie as part of "Mornings with Nick" (Poranki z Nickiem), a promotional event for young children. The event took place every Sunday at 11:00 AM and was meant to advertise Nickelodeon's newest programs. Multikino movie theaters across Poland screened three episodes of Rączusie: two on August 15, 2009, and a third on August 29. (source)


Voice cast:

Character(s) Actor
Oobi Rafał Fudalej
Uma / Umy Agnieszka Maliszewska
Kako Stefan Każuro
Grampu / Grandpu Włodzimierz Press
Inka Martyna Sommer
Angus Jan Rotowski
Frieda Magdalena Kusa

Official description

From Nick Poland: "Rączusie" pokazują przygody czteroletniego chłopca - Oobiego, jego trzyletniej siostry Umy, ich przyjaciela o imieniu Kako oraz dziadka rodzeństwa zwanego Grandpu. "Rączusie" są programem nietypowym. Postaci są grane przez "pacynki" stworzone z rąk aktorów, które mówią, poruszają się i bawią. Mimo braku możliwości ekspresji mimiki, wyrażają one wiele emocji. Każdy z odcinków opowiada prostą codzienną historyjkę z życia bohaterów, która zakończona jest grą, ściśle związaną z jego tematyką. (source)
Translation: "Rączusie" shows the adventures of a four-year-old boy, Oobi; his three-year-old sister, Uma; their friend named Kako; and the grandfather of the siblings, Grampu. It is an extraordinary program: the characters are played by hand "puppets" who speak, move, and have fun. Despite their inability to show facial expressions, they express a lot of emotions. Each episode tells a simple everyday story from the lives of the characters, which ends with a game closely related to its theme.


All of the long-form episodes were dubbed in Polish. The original air dates for the first 13 broadcasts can be found on the news site Miasto Dzieci.

Known premiere dates: (source 1, source 2, source 3)

Air date Episodes
July 19, 2009 Uma Bathroom! / Uma Swing!
July 26, 2009 Grampu Day! / New Friend!
August 2, 2009 Dance Class! / Oobi's Car!
August 9, 2009 Make Pizza! / Haircut!
August 16, 2009 Make Art! / Make Music!
August 23, 2009 Garden Day! / Sleepover!
August 30, 2009 Showtime! / Build Fort!
September 6, 2009 Camp Out! / Pretend Circus!
September 13, 2009 Uma's Birthday! / Petting Zoo!
September 20, 2009 Piano Lesson! / Uma Chicken!
September 27, 2009 Asparagus! / Play Ball!
October 4, 2009 Kako's Puppy! / Rainy Day!
October 11, 2009 Uma Sick / Playdate!
January 17, 2010 Unknown (finale)


Episode summaries:


ve Foreign-language dubs
Dubs Arabic (أوبي)FrenchIcelandicHebrew (אובי)Mandarin Chinese (小手乌比)Polish (Rączusie)