Transcript of "Fishing!"
A transcript of the "Fishing! " episode.
Please note that because the characters talk in very simple sentences, the dialogue isn't grammatically correct and may be hard to understand without visuals.
Scene 1: Morning
[Oobi is in the kitchen, scribbling on a piece of paper.]
Grampu : Oobi! Tonight, special dinner.
Oobi: Special dinner? What?
Oobi: Okay, Oobi guess. Hmm. Hamburger?
Grampu: Ooh, oh, Grampu give hint. Uh... oh, live in water.
Oobi: Live in water. Hmm.
Grampu: Move like this. [imitates a fish swimming]
Oobi: Live in water. Move like this.
Oobi: Hmm. Oh, you! Help Oobi. You guess. Ready? Live in water. Move like this. You guess. Dinner, what?
Voice #2: [boy] It's a fish, Oobi.
Oobi: Fish? Yeah, fish live in water. Fish move like this. Special dinner fish?
Grampu: Fish, yes! Good guess.
Oobi: Thank you! Oobi like fish. Grampu, Oobi, fish store?
Grampu: Today, Oobi, Grampu fishing.
Grampu: Yes, just Oobi and Grampu.
Oobi: Fishing, just Oobi and Grampu.
Grampu: Grampu present for Oobi.
Oobi: Fishing rod for Oobi? Oh, Grampu, thank you!
Grampu: Welcome, Oobi. Well, fishing. Ready?
Oobi: Ready! Fishing. Wow!
Scene 2: At the pier
[The next scene is set at the pier . Oobi and Grampu set up their fishing supplies.]
Oobi: Water. Fishing pier. Ooh, seagull ! Grampu, seagull, seagull!
Grampu: Oh, first, Grampu explain fishing.
Grampu: Tackle box. Fishing things. Hooks, bobbers, weights. Bait.
Oobi: Cool. [reaches over]
Grampu: Ah, ah, ah! Oobi, no touch. Hooks sharp. Only Grampu touch.
Oobi: Oh, hook. Only Grampu touch.
Grampu: Yes. Now bait hook.
Grampu: [laughs] Yes. Bait on hook. [humming]
Oobi: Oobi see. Bait, food for fish. Fish, food for Oobi.
Grampu: [laughs] Yes! Now fishing line in water. There.
Oobi: Oobi get it. O.K., Grampu. Oobi fish now?
Grampu: Yes, Oobi fish now. Grampu bait hook. Now Oobi drop line.
Oobi: Oobi drop line. Oh! There.
Grampu: [breathes deeply]
Scene 3: Catching a shoe
[Some time passes as the scene switches.]
Grampu: Yes, Grampu like too.
Oobi: [shouting over the water] Fish? Oobi here!
Oobi: Ooh, Grampu, Grampu! Fish, fish!
Grampu: Ooh! Good work, Oobi! Grab fishing line. Pull. Pull!
[They pull an old shoe out of the water.]
Oobi: [laughter] Oobi caught shoe!
Oobi: Grampu, Oobi keep? Good luck?
Grampu: O.K. Drop line, Oobi. Good job.
Oobi and Grampu: [both sigh]
Oobi: Just Oobi and Grampu.
Seagull: [wings flapping]
Oobi and Grampu: [laughter]
Scene 4: Interview
[The scene cuts to an interview between Uma and a family.]
Grandmother: Yes, very much.
Uma: Hug? Uma too! Uma too! Love.
Scene 5: Success!
[The scene cuts back to Oobi and Grampu, still waiting.]
Oobi and Grampu: [both sigh]
Oobi: Fishing. Just Oobi and Grampu.
Grampu: Yes, just Oobi and Grampu.
[A tuba plays. The song "Oobi and Grampu " starts.]
Oobi: Oobi like sitting here, having Grampu sitting near.
Grampu: Grampu like spending day, here with Oobi by the bay.
Oobi: Oobi like Grampu eyes. Oobi think Grampu wise.
Grampu: Grampu like Oobi heart. Grampu think that Oobi smart.
Oobi: Oobi knows this is true.
Grampu: Grampu love Oobi.
Grampu: Grampu like Oobi nose!
Oobi: [laughs] Oobi like hair Grampu grows.
Grampu: Grampu like Oobi books.
Oobi: Oobi like food Grampu cooks. Oobi like singing song!
Grampu: Grampu like to sing along!
Oobi: Oobi like sitting here, having Grampu sitting near.
Grampu: Grampu knows this is true. Grampu love Oobi.
Grampu: Grampu love Oobi.
[They hear a splash.]
Grampu: Fish! Oobi, pull fishing rod. Pull! Oh, good, good, Oobi.
Oobi: Grampu, Grampu, Oobi catch fish! Oobi catch fish! Look!
Grampu: Fish off hook. Grampu help. Fish off hook, in bucket.
Oobi: [suddenly] Grampu, no.
Oobi: Grampu, fish not happy.
Grampu: Fish...not happy?
Oobi: No, fish need water. Look.
Grampu: Oobi, fish dinner.
Oobi: No, Grampu. Fish throw back. Please?
Grampu: Grampu understand.
Scene 6: Back at home
[They go home. In the next scene, it is getting late and Oobi calls for Grampu.]
Oobi: Tonight, special dinner.
Grampu: Fish? Oobi, fish back in water. Remember?
Oobi: Oobi remember. Tonight... tuna fish!
Grampu: Yes, tonight special dinner! Oobi, Grampu, tuna fish.
Oobi and Grampu: [laughter]
Oobi: Grampu, today great day.
Oobi and Grampu: [both sigh]
[Grampu leads Oobi to the piano. Above it, he has framed the old shoe from earlier.]
Oobi: Oobi shoe! [laughs]
Grampu: Oobi good fisherman.
Oobi: Oobi good fisherman.
Grampu: Remember day, always.
Oobi: Oobi will. Thanks, Grampu. [looks to the viewers] Oobi, you, friends! Bye.
Voice #1: [girl] Bye-bye, Oobi. Bye.
Voice #2: [boy] Bye, Oobi.