Transcript of "Haircut!"
A transcript of the "Haircut! " episode.
Please note that because the characters talk in very simple sentences, the dialogue isn't grammatically correct and may be hard to understand without visuals.
Scene 1: Oobi wakes up
[The camera pans across Oobi 's bed. Oobi is sleeping, and Grampu comes in to wake him up.]
Grampu: Oobi! Oobi! Oobi, morning.
Oobi: [stretching] Ah, heh-heh, ah. Oh, ha, hi! Oobi stretch, you stretch. You, stretch!
Oobi and Voices: [all] Stretch. Stretch!
[Oobi looks in the mirror and realizes he has a patch of brown hair on his head.]
Oobi: Oh! Huh. Oobi hair. Huh...
Scene 2: Hiding the hair
[The scene cuts to Uma in the kitchen. She is eating a muffin.]
Oobi: Oh, uh. Oobi hide hair.
[Oobi puts a yellow flower over his hair.]
Uma: Hi, Oobi. Uh, Oobi... flower?
Grampu: Oh, hoo-hoo, flower!
Grampu: [sniffs] Ah, lovely.
Oobi: [stammering] But...but... [sighs] Uma hold.
Uma: Oh. [takes the flower] Aah! Hair, hair, hair, hair, hair, hair, hair, hair! Oh, nice.
Grampu: Uma. Oh, Oobi! Uh, hair. Nice.
Oobi: Ni-nice? Hmm. Oobi hair nice.
Scene 3: Kako the hair stylist
[The scene cuts to Oobi and Kako in front of the bathroom mirror.]
Kako: Mm-hmm. Huh. Hair up?
[Kako uses gel to style Oobi's hair.]
Kako: [humming] Ah. Hair up. Heh-heh.
Kako: [humming] Ah, hair down. Perfecto.
Oobi: Haircut. Snip, snip, snip!
Oobi and Kako: [together] Grampu, haircut!
Scene 4: At the barbershop
[Oobi and Grampu walk into the barbershop .]
[Oobi and Grampu see the barber giving a customer a haircut. The customer shakes her hair.]
Oobi: Hmm. Shake. [imitating the customer] Shake, shake, shake! Shake, shake, shake! Shake, shake, shake!
[Oobi gets the idea to turn it into a game.]
Oobi: Oobi shake, shake, shake; you shake, shake, shake. You shake, shake, shake!
Oobi and Voices: [all] Shake, shake, shake. Shake, shake, shake.
Oobi: Grampu? Um, Oobi no haircut. Oobi scared.
Grampu: Ah. Well, Grampu first?
[Oobi realizes that Grampu does have some arm hair.]
Oobi: Oh, Grampu hair. Grampu first.
Barber: Oh. Next. Haircut.
[The barber gives Grampu's arm hair a trim.]
Grampu: No, Oobi, No ouch.
[He shows Grampu a mirror. Grampu's head is well-shaved.]
Grampu: Oh, hmm, nice. Thank you. Oh.
Oobi: [gulps] Oobi ready. Heh.
Barber: M'kay, sit. Comfy? Mm.
[The barber walks to his wall of photos. Each one shows a different hairstyle. He points to one.]
[The barber goes through each possible style.]
Barber: Okay. [points to another photo] Ah, Oobi, haircut?
[Grampu realizes Oobi wants to be bald again.]
Grampu: Hmm. Oobi, Grampu hair.
Barber: Okay. First, wet.
Oobi: Oh, okay. Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha, hee-hee-ha!
Oobi: Scissors... snip, snip, snip?
Barber: Mm-hmm, snip, snip.
Grampu: Heh-heh, still Oobi. Heh.
Scene 5: Interviews
[The interview segments start.]
Kid #1: When I get a haircut and rub my hair, it feels soft and fuzzy.
Kid #2: I like my hair 'cause I like how long it is.
Kid #3: I like my hair because it's wonderful.
Kako: You, haircut perfecto. Heh-heh-heh!
Scene 6: Oobi's hair dance
[The scene cuts to Oobi, wearing a long reddish-brown wig.]
Oobi: Oh, Oobi wig. Wig. Oobi game. Game game, game game. Game game, game game. Game! Dance game. Oobi hair dance, ha-ha.
[He starts to dance with his wig.]
Oobi: Bounce. Shake. Twirl. Ha-ha-ha! Oobi bounce, you bounce. You bounce!
Oobi and Voices: [all] Bounce, bounce.
Oobi: Yeah! Oobi shake, you shake. You shake!
Oobi and Voices: [all] Shake, shake, shake, shake.
Oobi: Yeah, ha-ha-ha. Oobi twirl, you twirl. You twirl!
Oobi and Voices: [all] Twirl, twirl, twirl!
Oobi: Yeah, ha-ha. Hair dance. Bounce, shake, twirl. You, Oobi together!
Oobi and Voices: [all] Bounce, shake, twirl.
Oobi and Voices: [all] Bounce, shake, twirl.
Oobi and Voices: Bounce, shake...
[Oobi shakes his wig off, and it falls on top of Grampu.]
Grampu: Ooh, hair. Lovely.
Oobi: Hmm. Hair dance over, ha-ha. Oobi, you, friends! Bye.
Voice #1: [girl] Bye-bye, Oobi. Bye.
Voice #2: [boy] Bye, Oobi.