Transcript of "Pretend Circus!"
A transcript of the "Pretend Circus! " episode.
Please note that because the characters talk in very simple sentences, the dialogue isn't grammatically correct and may be hard to understand without visuals.
Scene 1: Pretending to be elephants
[In Oobi's room, Oobi, Kako, and Uma are pretending to be elephants.]
Oobi: Oobi, Uma, Kako elephants.
Oobi, Uma, and Kako: [trumpeting]
Uma: [gasps] You elephant. You , elephant.
Oobi, Uma, Kako, and Voices: [trumpeting]
Kako: Kako love circus. [points at the ringmaster at the circus poster] Ringmaster. Ladies, gentlemen!
Oobi: Oobi love circus. [points at the acrobats at the circus poster] Acrobats. [imitates drum] Ta-da!
Uma: Uma love circus. [points at the elephant at the circus poster] Elephants! [trumpets, gasps] Oobi, Uma, Kako go circus?
Oobi, Uma, and Kako: Grampu!
Scene 2: No circus
Oobi: Grampu? Oobi, Uma, Kako go circus?
Grampu: Oh. Oh, um, no. Circus far. Sorry. One day. [leaves]
[Kako gets an idea.]
Kako: Mm-hmm. Circus ring.
[Kako brings a hula hoop, imagining it as a circus ring.]
[Kako descends the hoop. He, Uma, and Oobi are now in the imaginary circus!]
Scene 3: Pretend circus
Kako: Pretend circus. Kako ringmaster.
Kako: Welcome! Ladies, gentlemen! Acrobats!
Oobi: Oh. Oobi, Uma acrobats.
Oobi: Mm-hmm. Acrobats. Uh, jump around.
Oobi and Uma: [they jump around] Jump, jump, jump, jump, jump.
Oobi and Uma: [flip themselves] Flip, flip, flip.
'[Oobi stacks his fingers on top of Uma's palm.]
[Uma stacks her fingers on top of Oobi's palm.]
[Oobi and Uma stack up on each other, they almost lose their balance, but remain perfectly still.]
Oobi and Uma: Ta-da! Yay!
Oobi and Uma: [bowing] Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Oobi: Oh. Oobi, Uma bow. You bow. You , bow.
Oobi, Uma, and Voices: Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Kako: Ah. Huh? Huh? Pretend circus. Ladies, gentlemen! Elephant!
[Uma is now dressed up as an elephant.]
Uma: Uma elephant. Uma elephant! [makes trumpeting noise, giggles]
[Oobi comes in, dressed up as a peanut.]
Oobi: Elephant lunch? [gasps] Oobi peanut! Uh-oh.
[Uma and Oobi laugh while chasing each other.]
Kako: Hey, pretend circus. Ladies, gentlemen! Clown!
Oobi and Uma: [they stop chasing each other] Clown?
[Grampu is dressed as a clown.]
Grampu: Oopa-doo! Oopa-doo! Oopa-doo!
[Grampu holds a blue ball.]
[Grampu juggles the ball.]
[Grampu juggles again.]
[Now, Grampu balances the ball with his red nose.]
Grampu: Oopa-doo! Oopa-doo!
Oobi and Uma: Oopa-doo! Oopa-doo! Oopa-doo! Oopa-doo!
[Next, Grampu balances a flower.]
[Honking sound.]
Oobi and Uma: Aww. [laughter]
Grampu: Oopa-doo! Oopa-doo!
Uma: [giggling] Clown silly.
Grampu: Oopa-doo! Oopa-doo! Oopa...
[A whipped cream pie is placed on the table.]
[Grampu nearly loses the pie's balance to the right, the left, and at the camera. He places the pie down. He, Uma, and Oobi sigh with relief.]
Grampu: Oopa-doo! Oopa-doo! Oop-- [his face lands on the pie] Oopa-doo! Oopa-doo!
Oobi and Uma: Oopa-doo! Oopa-doo!
Kako: [laughs] Pretend circus! Ladies, gentlemen! Good night!
[The kids bow.]
Grampu: [off-screen] Oobi! Uma! Kako! Lunch!
[Kako ascends the hoop, sending him, Oobi, and Uma back to Oobi's room.]
Scene 4: The circus was amazing
Kako: [throws hoop away] Pretend circus.
Uma: Ama-- ama-- ama-- ama--
Grampu: [off-screen] Lunch!
Oobi, Uma, and Kako: Lunch!
[The scene cuts to the kitchen.]
Scene 5: Lunchtime
Grampu: Lunch. Peanut butter sandwiches. Milk. And... pie.
Oobi, Uma, and Kako: Pie? Oopa-doo! Oopa-doo!
[The kids laugh.]
Oobi: [gasps] Oobi, Kako, Uma "oopa-doo". You "oopa-doo". You , "oopa-doo".
Oobi, Uma, Kako, and Voices: Oopa-doo! Oopa-doo! Oopa-doo! Oopa-doo!
Oobi: Yeah! You "oopa-doo"!
Oobi, Uma, and Kako: Oopa-doo! Oopa-doo! Oopa-doo!
[An interview segment begins.]
Scene 6: Interviews
Uma: Circus. Uma love elephant. [makes trumpeting noise] You love?
Boy #1: I like the circus because I like getting, um, surprises.
Girl #3: I like clowns because they wear makeup and they wear a silly red nose. And it's nice to see them because sometimes you don't always get to see them.
Girl #4: When we got to the circus, we saw all the acrobats and stuff. Um, and also, we got the thing.
Girl #5: I like the circus because they have popcorn there.
[Another girl plays with her toy.]
Boy #2: I like circus because I like to see the elephants perform.
[Another boy imitates elephant.]
Girl #6: My favorite part of the circus is the lion jumps in the hoop.
Boy #3: Rawr, rawr, rawr.
Girl #7: When I went to the circus, I saw juggles.
Girl #1: I like clowns because their noses go "womp womp".
[The segments end. It cuts back to Oobi's room. A boombox is placed behind Oobi and Uma.]
Scene 7: Game segment
Kako: Ladies, gentlemen! Game.
Oobi, Uma, and Kako: [singing] Game, game. Game, game. Game, game. Game, game. Game!
Oobi and Uma: Stop-go game!
Kako: Yes. Kako play music. Uma dance. Oobi dance. You dance. You , dance. Ready?
Kako: [starts the music] Go. You go. You , go.
Kako: [stops the music] Stop. You, stop. [chuckles]
Kako: [starts music] Go. You go. You , go.
Voice #3: Oobi, you're silly.
Kako: [stops music] Stop. You, stop. [chuckles] Game over!
[Grampu comes in, dressed as a clown.]
Grampu: Grampu play? [clears throat] Oopa-doo! Oopa-doo!
[The kids laugh.]
Kids: Oopa-doo! Oopa-doo! Oopa-doo!
Oobi: Oobi, you, friends. Bye.
Voice #1: [girl] Bye-bye, Oobi. Bye!
Voice #2: [boy] Bye, Oobi.